The New Zealand University Championships scheduled to be held on the 8/9th April at Whanganui were postponed until September due to the ongoing Covid restrictions. However, after some discussions between the Otago University and University of Canterbury Rowing Clubs it was agreed that an inter university regatta should be held at Lake Ruataniwha.
This Saturday 7th May will see about 60 athletes from Otago and 80 athletes from Canterbury take part in 24 races covering Novice, Varsity and Championship (Open) grades across a range of boat classes.
Racing starts at 10.40am and goes through to 3.20pm with races every 10 minutes, before the last two Championship Quad Scull races at 3.50pm and 4.30pm.
Whilst there are no official points being scored you can be sure that each team will be keeping count of who wins most races ready for bragging rights at the end of the day.
Spectators are most welcome to come on down to the Meridian Rowing Centre to watch the racing.