The first working bee of the new season saw 17 volunteers head to the lake for the weekend of the 13th & 14th of August. Although weather had been extreme before the event and snow was lying on the ground at Tekapo the group enjoyed clear sunny days, although overnight lows of -5o did make for a crisp start. The log fires in the McRae lounge and McClelland Lodge burned brightly all weekend plus the manual nature of the work meant everyone stayed warm.
Work continued on the clearance of wilding pines, the picture below shows the area at the western end of the boat park which had dense growth under the established trees (in hindsight a before picture would have helped!). A number of fallen branches from across the complex were also tidied up, these had come down due to heavy snow earlier in the winter.

Other tasks included repairs to and assessment of the boat racks, installation of new storage cupboards in the kitchen clearing of cones from the boat park. A stocktake of bow numbers and a tidy up of the numbers hut was done in preparation for what we all hope will be a return to normality for our regattas this season.
The start trolley’s have been taken out of the water for refurbishment. The picture shows a trolley positioned in a replica of the rails that are under the water at the start. Prior to going back into the water, all trolleys will be put on the rail to ensure the wheel are running true and the wheel spacing is correct. The drive wheels are currently in Christchurch for refurbishment, after nearly 40 years in the lake corrosion and wear has reduced the diameter to such an extent that the drive sprocket is now very close to the rail cross braces.

A general assessment of equipment and buildings was undertaken to help prepare a plan of works for the coming year. Of interest is a proposal to re-clad the accommodation blocks in colour steel to avoid the cost of repainting every 7 or 8 years.
An optimistic list of tasks had been prepared for the weekend with the organisers very happy with what was achieved, however a second working bee will take place on the 12th & 13th of November. For those in Canterbury, this will correspond to Canterbury Anniversary weekend. One of the main tasks of the weekend will be to wash the buoys on the course, with 11 lane wires of 200 buoys each this will be no small task.
If you are able to lend a hand please signup on TeamApp or let us know, accommodation will be provided on site and meals are provided.
Report prepared by
John O’Connor
SIR Operations Sub-Committee Chair
Cheers John very productive & very enjoyable time. Thanks
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