A lot has happened at the lake since the umpires boats were packed away for the season at the end of the South Island Secondary School Champs…
Area behind the 1500m mark:

The area behind the car parking and tent sites at the 1500m which was previously cleared of wilding pines has been root raked, levelled and sown out in grass. The area will be rolled in the future and remaining stones removed.
Among other proposals for this land the board is currently working with a promoter to hold a concert on the land between Christmas and New Year.
Acts include Stan Walker plus other well-known New Zealand Entertainers.
<< Contractor sowing grass
Solar Project:
This project has been signed off and is due to start in 3 weeks. The project which is 50% funded through the Meridian Energy Decarbonisation Community Fund will generate enough electricity annually to cater for our current demand and signals a move to more sustainable operations for the complex. Panels will be mounted on a number of buildings with an option to expand to other areas in the future.
Boat Park:
In the last week trees have been removed from the boat park. The board is acutely aware that the boat park may feel (particularly cones under the feet) and look quite different, given the size of the trees that have been removed and wish to explain the reasoning behind the decision.

The boat park does not provide sufficient racking for our major regattas and this is no more evident than when we host the NZ Secondary School’s Championships. A proposal to move the trailer park further to the north and establish boat racks on the north side of the road was met with considerable opposition. There is space within the existing boat park to establish more racks but much of this space was compromised by trees. Add to this the desire to improve the ground condition in the boat park by providing irrigation and sowing grass all points to a need to remove the trees.
It has been said that a plan for gradual remove and replacement should be initiated with initial plantings of deciduous shade trees and then the gradual removal of the pines. Here we found ourselves in a circular argument, planting trees requires irrigation and any pipes would be compromised when the roots of existing trees were removed. Based on the fact that we host the NZ Secondary School’s Championships next March a decision was made to remove the trees, install new racking and undertake spring planting of deciduous shade trees plus some quicker growing varieties that can be removed once the shade trees become established.

A proposal is currently under consideration to increase the boat park capacity by over 200 boats and inquiries are underway to source trees for spring planting.
An Opportunity:
The board would like to offer the opportunity to clubs, schools or families to purchase shade trees for the boat park with a view to recognising the contributions of people who have helped in the development of the Lake Ruataniwha Facility. A plaque could be sited at the base of the tree to acknowledge the donation and the person being recognised.
The board would like to hear from any groups or individuals who would be interested in purchasing a tree. The cost is expected to be approximately $250 per tree plus the cost of a plaque if needed.
Please contact the writer.
Prepared on behalf of the Board by
John O’Connor
Operations Sub-committee chair
Mob: 027 248 6010
The new racks and one day, new trees will only enhance this great venue. I look forward to seeing the work commence.
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