Owing to a busy regatta season, the off season is the only time to complete major works at the course. On the first weekend in May a dedicated band of volunteers headed to Twizel to progress two projects.
The award for the travelling the farthest goes to Kaye Surgenor and Mark James from Blenheim and second place went to Dave Galbraith from Invercargill. Most of the group is shown below enjoying lunch on Sunday afternoon.

Macrae Lounge:
The observant among you may notice two things about this photo, the change in colour of the internal wall of the MacRae Lounge and the age of the volunteers, if there is anyone out there who can bring the average age down we would appreciate the help, the next work weekend is in August.
Roger Norman has chaired a small group which has looked at ways to update the main hall area and refresh the memorabilia which covers the walls. There is concern that as our history has developed – this year is 40 years since the 1st regatta at the lake – that many no longer know the names or the background of the pioneers who contributed many hours to get our organisation where we are today. The first step was to give the walls a refresh, most of this was completed during the weekend, but there is still work to do.

The next phase is to take the pictures of the volunteers who are no longer with us and add a small citation that explains their contribution. The pictures of our Olympic and World Champion rowers are to be grouped and updated with photos of the Tokyo 8’s, both men and women to be added to the display. It was also felt that there should be a section that shows the construction of the lake, which will have a selection of early photos and plans.
Some existing material will need to be moved to other parts of the complex to make room for the new exhibits. At present the job is half down so some patience will be required to see it through to completion.
The Boat Park:
In our last update we showed pictures of the boat park which had been cleared of trees, well those trees all have to be limbed so the logs can be cut for firewood, the branches burned and the stumps buried.

The group got through a mountain of work, but there is still more left to do.
It is said that to get out of a mess you have to get into one first and the boat park is a good example. The tree removal have created plenty of space to erect more boat racks but it is going to be a big job. Quotes have been received to purchase 70 new uprights and we are waiting on the result of a funding application before an order is placed. While it is hoped that we some of new uprights will be available to erect at the August work weekend, there are some existing uprights that were removed during the tree felling and need to be re-sited.

Finally in the last update we offered the opportunity for individuals, clubs or schools to purchase a shade tree for the boat park. A plaque could be placed at the base of the tree to recognise the donation or perhaps dedicate the tree to someone who has made a major contribution to the development of the lake. The cost of the tree is likely to be $250.
Thank you to those who have already indicated their willingness to purchase a tree, if you would like to assist in this please contact the writer.
Prepared on behalf of the Board by
John O’Connor
Operations Sub-committee chair
Mob: 027 248 6010
Looks great team!!!
Can’t wait to see it and catch up with you all at Masters in September.
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