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Boat Holders for 2022/23 Season

South Island Rowing wishes to keep the cost of providing regattas for our community at a reasonable level and to keep fees for entrants manageable in these inflationary times. To lower the cost of running a regatta, the SIR board have approved to trial a new system for Clubs and Schools to supply volunteer boat holders for the 2022/23 season.

Each club/school shall supply 3 volunteers per regatta:

1 x boat holder coordinator, and 2x boat holders

The boat holder coordinator will organise 2x boat holders to fill in 2x 3.5-hour time slots per regatta weekend.

Volunteers will be under the direction of the SIR Boat Holder Convenor and will be inducted as required. All shifts are provided with either morning tea, lunch, or afternoon tea. In the event of poor weather, wet weather clothing will be provided by SIR.

Clubs/schools with 20 entrants or less

We appreciate for smaller clubs/schools with under 21 entrants, that you may not have the volunteer capacity to supply 3 volunteers. Taking this into consideration we will be asking small clubs/schools to supply volunteers for boat holding on a voluntary basis.

Clubs/schools with 21 entrants or more

Clubs/schools with 21 entrants or more will be required to supply: 1x boat holder coordinator and 2x boat holders for each regatta for the 22/23 season.

SIR wishes club and school group organisers to discuss within their entity how they plan to fill these positions over the regatta season with the view to making it a volunteering opportunity which is spread around our whole community. This will lighten the volunteer load for all and ultimately benefit all of our rowers.

Peter Midgley
Chair Regatta Sub-Committee
South Island Rowing Inc.

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